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Meet the Team

Nyasha Smith


The Secretary to the Council is the Chief Administrative Officer responsible for managing operations and the annual budget.


The Secretary is responsible for all matters related to maintaining the official records of the Council; human resources; the Council's budget; procurement; central communications; racial equity; facilities; and the John A. Wilson Building.

You may contact Nyasha at nsmith(at)

Jamaine Taylor

Assistant Secretary

Jamaine serves as the Assistant Chief Administrative Officer. His responsibilities include:

  • Supporting the day-to-day operations of all of the administrative and legislative support programs of the Council

  • Managing the development and administration of the Legislative Information Management System (LIMS)

  • Supervising and working with the Support Services Division

  • Coordinating with the Procurement Division and administering the financial management program of the Council

  • Administering JAWB parking assignments, low tags, Councilmember parking and room reservations

  • Administering the Commemorative Flag Program

You may contact Jamaine at jtaylor(at)

Larry Cooper

Director, Support Services

Larry and his team are responsible for JAWB facilities management and support for legislative hearings and meetings. The team administers the Council's cell phone contract; postage services; AV and related technology for hearing rooms; vehicle fleet and central supplies.

You may contact Larry at lcooper(at)

Mical Owens

Director, Human Resources

Mical and her team are responsible for providing guidance to Councilmembers and staff on:

•    Recruitment 
•    Staffing and Budget 
•    Benefits and Employee Relations
•    Learning and Development 
•    Classification and Compensation 
•    Policies and Procedures 
•    Payroll and Timekeeping
•    Records Management

In addition to the above, the Division is responsible for processing all personnel actions for the Council. The Human Resources Division provides guidance and support to its managers, employees and constituents while promoting effective and efficient government operations. The Council uses People Soft as its Human Resources Information System.  


You may contact Mical at mowens(at)

Dawn Cromer

Director, Procurement

Dawn and her team are responsible for coordinating and executing all requests for goods and services for the Council.  These requests include, but are not limited to:


  • Office Supplies

  • Consulting Services

  • American Sign Language Services

  • Language Translation Services

  • Equipment and Furniture

  • Cellular Phone Service


The Office of Procurement provides guidance and support to Councilmembers and their staffs on all matters of purchasing in accordance with District contracting policies and procedures. The Office of Procurement strives to achieve efficient and timely delivery and payment while providing excellent customer service to its internal clients and vendors.

You may contact Dawn at dcromer(at)

Josh Gibson

Director, Communications & Public Information Officer

Josh is the Council’s Director of Communications and Public Information Officer. He created a distinctive communications role and voice on behalf of the Council as an institution. He leads the effort to communicate clearly, frequently, and honestly the what, why, and how of Council procedure and work product.

Most famously, he overhauled the Council’s social media presence, pioneering a casual and conversational tone that drew rave reviews, leading the Washington Post to declare “In the Twittersphere, the DC Council went from dry to wry thanks to this guy.” Josh is the creator and host of the Council’s “Hearing the Council” radio show and podcast. He also serves as an informal Council historian and statehouse curator.

You may contact Josh at jgibson(at) or on Facebook and Twitter at @councilofdc.

Lolita Alston

Director, Legislative Services

The Legislative Services team is responsible for the Council's legislative records, including original copies of documents and microfilm. The Office works with the DC Register for official publication of Council actions; transmits legislation to the Executive; and serves as the liaison with Congressional Offices for purposes of transmittal of acts for Congressional review. 

You may contact Lolita Alston at lalston(at)


Director, Council Office of Racial Equity

The team is responsible for setting and implementing an overarching vision of achieving racial equity for the Council – both at the programmatic and administrative levels. These responsibilities include:


  • Developing and implementing a racial equity impact statement to accompany bills and resolutions considered by Council

  • Developing racial equity toolkits

  • Ensuring Council policies, procedures, and actions are designed to reduce and eliminate racial disparities

  • Providing racial equity trainings for members and staff

  • Managing stakeholder and community engagement

  • Working collaboratively with the Executive Chief Equity Officer, the Racial Equity Advisory Board, and the Council Commission on Racial Equity, Social Justice, and Economic Inclusion. 

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