Here are a few steps we can take immediately to ensure that our hearings are more accessible online.
As discussed in the Technology Framework, my suggestion is that every member/committee create a YouTube account/channel. YouTube does not require account access and therefore makes the platform accessible to all. YouTube’s powerful search engine optimization tools make results accessible via Google searches and therefore more accessible to the public. Additionally, if utilized effectively by staff, YouTube offers video indexing and transcripts which can serve as an added tool in our toolbox for public accessibility.
Part 1 - Creating a YouTube account and Enabling Live Streaming
Step 1 - Here’s how you create a (non-personal) YouTube channel if your committee doesn’t already have one.
Here are two short videos to guide you on creating a YouTube channel. You each have Gmail accounts tied to your committees so that should make the process easier.
Step 2 – You will need to enable live streaming on your channel
Once you’ve created the account, please enable live-streaming. You will need this for Part 2 of this process. Once you enable, YouTube takes 24-48 hours to grant your channel access to livestream, so the sooner you get this done, the easier it will be.
Part 2 - Creating your Multi-Streaming Account
The next step in our process of offering our hearings in various locations is for each committee to create a Restream account. Restream integrates with Zoom to permit you multi-stream on various social media platforms and your website. Please take 5 minutes to create an account on Restream by clicking here: https://restream.io/login
Part 3 - Enabling Zoom for multi-streaming
Part 3 in our process in enabling Zoom to multi-stream. I’ve enabled the feature from the host account so each of you will now have to go into your individual accounts to enable the feature. Please remember to activate this feature on the Zoom account that you most regularly use to host your hearings.
Login to Zoom – remember to login with .gov email extender.
Go to settings on the left menu bar
Go to “In Meeting (Advanced)”
Tab down to “Allow live-streaming of Meetings”
Make sure that the setting is active (by sliding the toggle bar)

Part 4 - Getting a livestream URL
When you set up your actual livestream, the system will ask for a live-streaming page URL. I believe each member has a website and likely already livestreams on that site. For those that do not have a livestream dedicated page or spot on your website, you will need to do so. If you manage your site, please create that page/space. If not, please contact your webmaster to do so. It’s a fairly easy process but it will be necessary to multi-stream. Additionally, now you’ll be able to house your hearings on your website too which I believe is a huge benefit in terms of accessibility.
Part 5 - Livestream Demo
Here's a short video enabling multi-streaming and going live on Zoom, Facebook, YouTube and this website. The possibilities for integration with social media channels are endless.